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  1. 555-1212.COM - Area Code Directory
  2. AWEBS - Search American Web Services' archives of almost 30 Web-related newsgroups
  3. Accomodation Search Engine
  4. Acronyms and Abbreviations
  5. Alta Vista (Usenet search)
  6. Alta Vista (Web search)
  7. America's Job Bank
  8. AT&T 800 Directory
  9. AutoPilot - personalized and comprehensive trip itineraries
  10. Awesome Library Search Engine
  11. Bartlett's Quotations
  12. Better Business Bureau
  13. Bible: King James Version - HTI Univ. of Michigant
  14. Bible: Revised Standard Version - HTI Univ. of MichiganProject
  15. Big Book - Search database of over 11 million businesses
  16. Big Foot - Search email database of over 2 million records
  17. BizWeb - Shopping on the Internet
  18. The Book of Mormon - HTI Univ. of Michigan
  19. Byte's Virtual Press Room
  20. CMP Technology Database
  21. CNN Webspace
  22. Calendar Server
  23. Casino City
  24. CareerPath - Search collection of U.S. newspaper want ads
  25. Computer Desktop Encylopedia
  26. Contacting the Congress
  27. Cornell University's Legal Information Institute

[ Top of Page ]

  1. Dave Central Software Archive
  2. Dealernet New Car Search
  3. DejaNews
  4. DogPile - A Multi-Engine Search Tool
  5. Domain Search - See if your domain name is available.
  6. Earth Times, The - the leading inter. resource on the environment
  7. Ecola's 24-Hour Newsstand - Search more than 1,000 news titles
  8. Ecola Tech Directory - Search Directory of 1200-plus computer vendors' Web sites
  9. ED's Web - Search U.S. Education Department database
  10. EINet Galaxy
  11. Environmental Organization WebDirectory
  12. ERIC Database - Search Educational Resource Information Clearinghouse's database
  13. Excite NetSearch
  14. Fidelity Investments - Investment and financial planning tips
  15. Fodor's Trip Planner
  16. FOLDOC, the Free On-line Dictionary of Computing
  17. Funhouse Index

[ Top of Page ]

  1. GTE SuperPages: Business Web Site Directory - Search 60,000 business URLs
  2. Game Cabinet
  3. Games Domain Search - Search database of games and games-related information
  4. GamePen - Yet-to-be-released video game demos, game cheats, and search
  5. HTI American Verse Project - University of Michigan
  6. Happy Puppy - Definite game site
  7. Hilton Hotels Internet Travel Center
  8. Hoover's MasterList Plus Database - Search more than 10,000 company profiles
  9. HotBot
  10. IBM Web Server
  11. Infoseek Ultra
  12. InfoSpace Email Search
  13. InfoWorld Electric Newspaper
  14. - Technical info from vendor literature to articles from top industry mags.
  15. Internet Movie Database

[ Top of Page ]

  1. JobBank USA
  2. Jumbo Shareware
  3. The Koran - HTI Univ. of Michigan
  4. Knowledge Adventure Encyclopedia
  5. LawCrawler - Legal WWW Search
  6. Liszt Directory of E-Mail Discussion Groups
  7. Los Angeles Times - Site search includes today's Times, AP Online and most special reports and sections.
  8. Lycos
  9. Lycos Road Map - Get a street map of any address you enter
  10. Mamma - The Mother of all Search Engines
  11. MapQuest Interactive Atlas
  12. MetaCrawler
  13. Middle English Collection
  14. Money Magazine
  15. Monster Board - Search more than 10,000 current positions
  16. MovieLink - Enter zip code get showtimes of local theaters

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  1. OS/2 Games
  2. OSHA Computerized Information System - Search Federal and some state OSHA documents
  3. On-line Books Page - Search Full text of more than 1,200 books
  4. OneLook Dictionaries - Search over 100,000 words in 26 dictionaries
  5. PC Quote Watch - 20-minute-old stock quote information, enter up to five ticker symbols
  6. Pathfinder
  7. Pathfinder News Now - Search a variety of news sources
  8. PedagoNet - Learning Material and Resource Center
  9. Plymouth State College Weather Center
  10. Price Watch Computer Index - Search Price Watch's database of prices of computer equipment

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  1. William Shakespeare - Complete Works
  2. - Search c|net's archive of over 190,000 software files
  3. Switchboard - Database of over 20 million names

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  1. The List - Internet Service Providers
  2. Thomas Register of American Manufacturers
  3. Tile.Net News
  4. Trip Link flight information
  5. TripQuest - Find instant driving directions to get from Point A to Point B
  6. TV Guide
  7. Universal Currency Converter
  8. UPS Package Tracking
  9. US Air flight schedules
  10. U.S. Code
  11. U.S. Postal Service City State/Zip Code Associations
  12. U.S. Postal Service Zip Code Information
  13. Usenet FAQs
  14. Virtual Hospital - Search Database of health publications

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  1. WWWomen
  2. Weather Channel, The
  3. WebCrawler
  4. Webster's Dictionary
  5. WhoWhere? - Search for people and organizations on the Net from the same site
  6. Wines on the Internet
  7. Search
  8. WinSite - Software Archive for Windows shareware and trialware
  9. WorldPages - Find the World Here
  10. Xenon Labs: The Interactive Currency Table
  11. Yahoo
  12. Yahoo People Search
  13. Yahoo Yellow Pages
  14. ZD Net - Search the online articles from Ziff-Davis publications
  15. ZD Net Tech Locator - locate information on over 1,100 computing companies and their products >
  16. Zip2 - Search for over 16 million businesss
  17. ZipFind - Find the distance between any two zip codes

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